Heroes (Course Code: 205)

Session: I - Newburyport

Time: All Day (9:00 AM to 2:30 PM)

Ages: Grades K/1/2

Instructor: Gina Moran

Course Code: 205

Who loves heroes? We do! Any child can feel strong, brave, confident, inspired, and part of a team while being immersed in art, stories, creative activities and games related to superheroes. We love Batman, Black Widow, Spiderman, Wonder Woman, Captain America, Luke and Anikan Skywalker, and even real-life heroes like astronauts, doctors, and first responders for their kindness, strength, and quick thinking. On our first day together, we'll design our own superhero costumes and build our self-confidence. Each day, we'll play cooperative games, complete friendly physical challenges, or solve curiously cool problems as a team. The best part? We'll use our imaginations to work on an original superhero comic book throughout the week. You'll leave camp with your very own comic book creation! So, what's your superpower?

Cost: $425